Change management is the process of managing the transition from one state of being to another. The purpose of change management is to ensure that a company’s employees, customers and other stakeholders are prepared for any changes that may occur in their work environment and personal lives as a result of shifts in technology or market conditions.

What Is Change Management?

Change management is an approach to implementing change within an organization. It involves managing the various aspects of a change in order to ensure that it is successful and efficient.

In general, change management models involve three steps:

  • Creating and communicating a shared vision for the future state of your organization; which may include certain outcomes or goals that are important to you; as well as how you will measure whether or not those objectives have been achieved
  • Communicating this vision throughout your team so that everyone understands where they’re headed and why
  • Making sure everyone on your team has what they need—time off from work or training sessions and so forth—to achieve success

Why Is Change Management Crucial?

Change is inevitable, and it can be good. However, change can also be bad and disruptive. Change can also be scary and challenging to accept. But when managed properly, change can bring about exciting new opportunities for your business that you would never have realized without it.

Coordinating and Planning

Change management can be applied to any level of change. It’s most effective when it’s used at the beginning of a project, but it can also be applied to ongoing changes in an organization. No matter what you’re changing; there are some steps that you should take to ensure that everyone involved is happy with the results:

  • Develop a plan for the change. A good plan helps prevent confusion and makes it easier for everyone to understand and support the change process. The best way to develop a plan is by creating a document that lists all of your goals for the project, what resources will be needed from each group within your organization (including yourself), how long everything will take and what type of assistance or training will be required from people outside your company (if necessary).
  • Make sure that everyone understands why they need to adapt their behavior or processes according to this new guideline or standard before implementing anything new into practice.”

Communicating, Educating and Motivating Your Team.

Communicating, educating and motivating your team.

After you’ve developed a plan for achieving your change goals, it’s time to communicate them to your employees. Make sure every member of your team understands that the changes will be beneficial for them in some way (whether it’s increased productivity or a better work/life balance). Help them understand why they’re important so they can feel more invested in supporting the process.

While communicating is essential during this step, education is just as important. Your employees should know what their role is in bringing about positive change within their department or company at large. They need to be educated on how this change will affect their daily responsibilities and how those responsibilities will be affected by other departments’ roles in making the change happen successfully.

You may also want to consider holding meetings where members of different groups share feedback about one another’s performance; this helps build trust among coworkers and lets everyone see each other as human beings rather than mere coworkers or managers.

Kurt Lewin’s Change Model.

Kurt Lewin’s Change Model (1946) is one of the most widely used theories on change management. It can be applied to any business in any industry; but for this example we will use it as a general guideline for how to go about implementing change management.

The first step in the model is “unfreezing”—getting people out of their comfort zones and breaking old patterns or habits. In order to achieve this stage, you must first have a unified vision of what your final outcome will be when all is said and done with your changes. Once everyone understands what they are working toward; they can begin making decisions based on that end result rather than sticking with the status quo. The second step is “changing”—changing behaviors and practices so that they align with your new vision for things going forward after the change has been made/implemented/whatever word you want to use here!

This part can take some time because changing old habits takes effort and dedication from everyone involved; however once everyone gets into a groove with their new routines (and hopefully enjoying them too!) then things start falling into place pretty quickly! Finally comes “re-freezing”, where people adjust again by coming back down off their emotional high from making those huge life changes and getting back into familiar territory where everything feels comfortable again…but not quite as comfortable as before because there’s still some room left open for improvement!”

John Kotter’s Change Model.

Kotter’s change model is a framework developed by John Kotter and it has been used by many different organizations to help them modernize their business.

The model consists of 8 steps:

Step 1:

Establishing a clear vision and strategy – This step is important because your organization needs to know what its goals are; how it plans on reaching these goals; how much time it will take and who will be responsible for each task. You also need to make sure that everyone in the company understands the vision; so that they can support the changes.

Step 2:

Involving key stakeholders – Once you’ve determined what needs changing, now it’s time for those involved in making these changes (aka stakeholders) to share their thoughts on what they think should happen next. Stakeholders include employees as well as customers or clients who will be affected by your new policies/processes/services etc., so make sure they’re aware of any upcoming changes beforehand so there’s no surprises later down the road when everything goes into action! The more stakeholders involved during this stage means less resistance later on down below ushers us into our third step…

Step 3:

Gaining support from the community – The third step of change management is to get everyone on board with your ideas. This can be done by educating them about the changes you want to make; why they’re important and how they’ll benefit everyone in the long run.

Step 4:

Planning your implementation – The fourth step of change management is to make sure everyone knows what they need to do in order for these changes to happen. In order for this step to work, you’ll need a strong leader who can keep an eye on things as they unfold and point out any problems/issues that may arise so they can be solved before any damage is done!

Step 5:

Executing the plan – The fifth step of change management is to implement your plan and get results. This step can be difficult if not everyone is on board with what needs to happen, but if you’re able to successfully execute it then you’ll have a much better chance of achieving your goals!

Step 6:

Evaluating the results – The sixth step of change management is to evaluate your results and see if they’re what you were hoping for. If not, then it’s time to go back through the other steps. And figure out what went wrong so you can make changes accordingly!

Step 7:

Making changes to your plan – The seventh step of change management is to make changes based on what you learned from the previous step. By adjusting things here and there; it should be easier for you to get the results that you want in the future!

Step 8:

Institute Change – Understand how new behaviors contribute to an organization’s success. And make sure they continue until the old habits are replaced by them. Evaluate systems and processes so management practices reinforce the new behaviors that employees developed during their training sessions.

The key to successful change management is to create a shared vision among team members and keep the communication flowing.

The key to successful change management is to create a shared vision among team members and keep the communication flowing. Start by establishing a common understanding of why the change is needed; how it will affect operations, and what you hope to achieve as a result. Communicate this vision throughout your organization so that everyone knows their role in achieving it.

Once you have established this shared vision, ensure that everyone is on board with it. If there are any objections or concerns about making the transition from where you are now to where you want to be in the future (or vice versa), address them openly and honestly so that no one feels left out of the conversation or confused about where they fit into your plans for modernizing your business model.


Change management is an essential part of any business and that is why it should be a priority for each organization. When you are planning to bring about change in your company; it is important to remember that it will not happen overnight. There will be setbacks along the way, but if you keep at it; there will come a point when your initiative becomes successful and your efforts pay off.