Nowadays, creating a website from scratch is not that difficult. If you know how to use a computer, you can navigate your way around a website builder like WordPress. Nevertheless, the dilemma that most beginner developers encounter is choosing the perfect theme for their WordPress website. If you have a domain name, a brand, and even the content for your future website, but you can’t decide how to choose the perfect theme for your WordPress Website, do not worry! We got your back! This short guide on WordPress themes will help your decision-making process.

Also, read on to discover how managed WordPress hosting works, and if it is the right hosting solution for you! What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

What Are WordPress Themes, And How Do They Work?

Before we start, let’s take a split second to freshen our memory about WordPress themes. If this is your first time using WordPress, you won’t want to miss this step.

A WordPress theme is one of the three main components of every WordPress website out there, besides core code and the plugins. Through it, you control your website’s appearance. Consider it as an infrastructure on which you apply other elements of website design, such as tables, buttons, or scroll bars, as well as content pieces like blog posts, pictures, or downloadable files.

You can choose a theme for your WordPress website from the WordPress Theme Directory. Here, you will find a broad selection of free themes, as well as some themes that you have to pay for if you want to install them on your website.

The process of downloading and installing a WordPress theme for your site is straightforward. A few clicks of the buttons and the theme should attach nicely to the core code. From there on, you can install plugins, add content, and customize your site to become a unique representation of your brand.

How To Choose The Perfect Theme For Your WordPress Website

This step is where the fun begins. If you open the WordPress Theme Directory, you will have to browse through thousands of designs, which makes it difficult to choose and settle on the perfect theme for your WordPress website. Here are some tips that will help you!

1. Have Your Website’s Goal Clear In Your Mind

Choose the theme for your site with its purpose in mind. For example, if you want to sell children’s toys on your site, you cannot go with a “dark” theme. If you want to publish cooking recipes for housewives, you cannot go with a complex theme that has too many sections, buttons, and slides.

2. Choose A Responsive Theme.

This kind of WordPress theme is ideal if you want your website to be easily accessible on other devices besides a computer, such as smartphones and tablets.

3. Look For Supported Plugins.

Pick a WordPress theme that supports the most popular plugins out there. For example, if you plan to sell stuff on your site, you will want a theme that supports “shopping cart” plugins.

4. Keep Your WordPress Theme Simple

If this is your first time building a website, you will want to choose a WordPress theme that is easy to work with and which is adaptable to your skills. As you learn using them, you can later choose more complex and impactful themes for your WordPress website.