Hey guys, today in this article, we will discuss why is Samsung health not working? So keep reading.

The step counter function built into the Samsung Health app, a physical activity tracking tool embedded into Samsung devices, was the subject of a recent post on this site. The material is especially beneficial to people who have access to more comprehensive health care and who desire to live a healthier and more minimally active lifestyle. It is possible, though, that it will not function as planned.

Many Samsung smartphone customers have complained that the step counter does not function correctly on their devices and that the gadget does not accurately measure steps. Others have complained that Samsung Health is unable to capture the actions that are carried out on a daily basis. This may occur when there are issues with the Samsung Health update, or when the app is experiencing certain particular issues that can be resolved by following the steps outlined below.

Turn Off Battery Optimization

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Some applications may not function properly if the battery optimization options on your Samsung smartphone are enabled. And Samsung Health is one of the applications that these changes have impacted. As a consequence, many frequently used applications may be rendered inoperable in order to save battery power. To prevent this, go to your phone’s Settings menu and check the battery settings for your device. Samsung Health should resume normal operation when optimization has been disabled. Another option is to go into the battery optimizer settings and add Samsung Health to the list of applications that are not allowed to run on the device. This ensures that you get the best of both worlds in some way (counting steps while saving battery life).

Pause The Step Counter

Try stopping and then reactivating the step counter to see if that works. If there is an issue with the resource, a notice will alert you of the problem and how to resolve it.

Update Samsung Health

Update Samsung Health

As previously stated, the steps counter issues might arise as a result of a unique bug with Samsung Health that existed in a certain version. In this scenario, you should attempt to update the application. You may do this by logging into Galaxy Store and checking to see whether you have an updated version of the program. If so, download it along with the update, install the software on your smartphone, and take care of any leftover difficulties that may have occurred.

Restore The Data

Failures in Samsung Health might result in daily data not being correctly recorded and analyzed. In this instance, a full reinstallation of the program is the most effective remedy. To do so, go to Settings > Apps, touch Samsung Health > Storage, and then choose the entries Clear Cache and Clear Data from the drop-down menu. Finally, return to Samsung Health and re-sync your profile data in order to reset the application completely.

Review Permissions

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Some applications, such as Samsung Health, might create issues on specific devices, and this is one such app. Check the permissions provided to the program to make sure this is the case. It’s possible that you mistakenly granted Samsung Health permissions that restrict activity tracking when the app isn’t operating in the background all of the time, and this may be in conflict with another app that does the same function as Samsung Health. Visit Settings > Applications > Samsung Health (or the other app you believe is interfering with it) > Accesses to see the rights that have been granted to the app. I hope you liked this article on why is Samsung health not working? Thanks for reading!.