Hey guys, today in this article, we are going to discuss how to make a smartphone elder friendly. So keep reading.

It’s pointless to hand over a smartphone to an older adult and just let him use the device as if the user experience provided by the manufacturer was sufficient in and of itself. It is a generation that did not grow up with technology in their immediate environment, and the great majority of them need technology in order to adapt to it.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the things that need to be changed on a smartphone to make it more user-friendly for those over the age of 50. Your grandparents will very probably be able to utilize the phone in a more productive and fun manner as a result of this.

Font Size Should Be Increased.

Font Size Should Be Increased

Even if the screen is enormous, it will be of little use if the text size does not rise in proportion. By keeping the font size of operating system parts as big as possible, you may make reading the information on the screen much more comfortable. Remember that the great majority of our grandparents wear glasses, and it’s practically a matter of respect for them if we can make their lives a little simpler in this regard.

Switch To Easy Mode.

Switch To Easy Mode

Easy Mode is a feature that certain Android smartphone manufacturers have included in their unique user interface. When enabled, this Mode displays a reduced version of the user interface with big icons, subtitles in large type, a limited number of screens for apps, and simplified navigation buttons that include just objective tasks.

Important Numbers Should Be Shown On The Home Screen.

Elder Friendly

In the case of an older person, accessing the phone book on their smartphone might be a very difficult task to do (I say this from my own experience, with people in my family). And one of the most effective methods to remain in touch with this group of users is to add the phone numbers of family or friends to the smartphone’s home screen, where they can be accessed as shortcuts to these contacts.

Protect Your Smartphone With A Tough Case.

Protect Your Smartphone With A Tough Case

Because many of us younger people lose our smartphones at least once a week, such an item is not recommended due to the fact that it is dangerous for the elderly. When it comes to the physical integrity of the gadget as a whole, this advice is critical. You don’t want your grandmother’s new smartphone to perish after just a few weeks of usage as a result of an accident that happened while she was using it.

Call Google, Please (The Emergency Number)


Making the Google Assistant available and training the elderly to utilize it in crises may make a significant difference in terms of getting assistance more quickly in an emergency. Keep this functionality enabled and set for use in certain circumstances. Make any necessary adjustments to voice instructions for phone calls to emergency contacts or close family members, if at all feasible.

So that’s all from this article. I hope you liked this article on how to make a smartphone elder friendly. Thanks for reading!.