Hey guys, in this article, we will discuss the 7 best ways to making an AGM succeed virtually. So keep reading.

Going virtual has now become the new standard for businesses all around the world. The unforeseen advent of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has served as a stimulus for the virtualization of physical occurrences. Virtual event technology has been used by organizations that never considered hosting events online before to keep going.

The industry’s most important events, such as the AGM, are transformed into a visually rich virtual space. Many corporations have recently announced that they will be hosting their AGMs virtually with the help of an advanced virtual AGM platform. Even before the coronavirus, several large-scale organizations took advantage of virtual event technologies. They were hosting virtual meetings to connect with the remote workforce and delegates spread worldwide.

With the impact of COVID-19, a sudden rush in the number of virtual AGMs has been seen. As a result, demand for virtual AGM platforms increased. Today, the internet is flooded with virtual AGM platforms that provide a wide range of services and advanced features. The ideal platform to choose is determined by your company’s goals and requirements. Today, the competition between virtual event service providers has been set on fire to offer the best advanced features. Select the one that aligns with your company’s requirements and promises to keep your privacy intact.

In this blog, we have enumerated some of the best ways to making an AGM succeed virtually. So, let’s have a look at them.

What Is A Virtual AGM?

A virtual AGM or we can say a virtual annual general meeting is an online meeting that takes place annually every year in corporations. The annual general meeting is held annually every year between the director of the company and interested shareholders. Discussions regarding the overall performance of the company and future strategies take place during the AGM. With the help of an advanced virtual AGM platform, AGM can be hosted online. It allows stakeholders who can not travel to the event location during physical meetings, to take part in the AGM right from remote locations.

Best Ways To Making An AGM Succeed Virtually

We have listed some of the best tips to get the most out of virtual AGMs and make them succeed.

Table of Contents:

1. Concentrate On The Event Objective And Deliver Real-life Experiences

2. Choosing The Right Virtual AGM Platform

3. Set Up The Room From Where You Will Attend A Virtual AGM

4. Have A Backup Plan In Hand

5. Rehearse, Rehearse And Rehearse Before You Go Live

6. Keep Your AGMs Interactive And Engaging

7. Remember To Send A Follow-up Survey To Meeting Participants

1. Concentrate On The Event Objective And Deliver Real-life Experiences

When organizing your virtual AGM, keep the perspective of the attendees in mind and organize according to it. Consider how they will pursue it if you are doing an AGM live stream. Consider what your presenters will wear and how it will appear to your virtual attendees. Even think about what will be visible in the backdrop. Apart from all this, make sure your presentation is well-prepared.

Once you’ve decided on the style of your virtual AGM, choose a day and time that allows for the most people to attend. Prepare ahead of time for the technological requirements of how you want to engage your audience.

To gain attendee feedback, you can organize Q&A sessions or live polls. Additionally, you can even opt for some games and quizzes to add a sense of surprise and pleasure to the environment. To provide participants with a flawless experience, you must know all of your technological requirements ahead of time. It will help in preventing your event from last-minute glitches.


2. Choosing The Right Virtual AGM Platform

To deliver a successful virtual AGM, you must choose the correct virtual event technology. Choose a virtual AGM platform that allows you to customize and engage attendees at the AGM by offering custom solutions. Before finalizing the platform ensure it adheres to safety and security compliance. As AGMs will involve the exchange of confidential information, look for a platform that is safe and secure.

Check whether the platform has audio/video functionality and interesting features for live chat or not. These are the essential things to consider while choosing a virtual meeting platform. Request a dry run or test run from a virtual meeting platform service provider. It will help you in giving an insight into how the platform works.


3. Set Up The Room From Where You Will Attend A Virtual AGM

There is no need to reserve a huge venue. The virtual AGM will be held online on a virtual meeting platform. Attendees can remotely join the meeting from anywhere. However, before the virtual AGM, participants must set up the room from where they are planning to attend the AGM. Create a home office atmosphere away from any distractions in a quiet area of your home. Ascertain that you are situated in an area with adequate lighting.


4. Have A Backup Plan In Hand

Making a backup plan is a good idea. After you’ve chosen a virtual AGM platform, prepare for potential technological issues ahead of time. If a technological problem occurs during the live webcasting of the AGM, having a backup plan to keep the event running is essential. Have a pre-recorded audio and video backup in case the audio stops working during the live webcast or the video breaks due to a lack of internet connection.


5. Rehearse, Rehearse And Rehearse Before You Go Live

Provide notes and scripts to speakers if needed and rehearse before directly going live. If your speakers are new to the format, allocate them with necessary requirements and ask them to rehearse many times to get perfection and do a dry run. Test the audio & video beforehand to avoid the last-minute hassle.


6. Keep Your AGMs Interactive And Engaging

Always remember to keep your AGMs interactive as well as engaging to ensure success. Enable participants to interact with other attendees just like physical events in a virtual world.

Keep your audience engaged with the AGM by interspersing sessions with live polls, surveys, and Q&A sessions, and more. Polls can also be used for voting and gaining the opinions of other participants. The poll results will be displayed plainly on the individual screens. You may also include games and quizzes to increase the level of excitement and refresh all members. Thus, resulting in ensuring virtual AGM success.


7. Remember To Send A Follow-up Survey To Meeting Participants

After your virtual AGM gets over, discuss with your team what went well and which aspects of the meeting should be improved. Don’t forget to send your participants a follow-up survey asking for their vital comments. It aids in determining what has to be improved in preparation for the next virtual annual general meeting.


Final Word

We have mentioned a few effective ways to making an AGM succeed virtually in the article mentioned above that ensure a successful virtual AGM.