You can use guest blogging as a speedy and consistent way to construct new email lists for yourself and build relationships with other people in the same market. You might require many things to get more than a hundred subscribers from each of the guest posts you are writing. The first step required is to find a particular site that is ready to accept the guest post you’re going to write. There is a high chance that you already have a few sites in your mind where you can write, but here in this blog, you can learn more about Guest Post Marketplace.

It gets tough to get accepted on most of these sites; however, if you try to avoid a few mistakes that people commonly make, you can get your guest post accepted readily. To have your guest post accepted, you must know your goals for writing the perfect guest post.

Also, you can check Best DA Checker Websites.

How To Write An Attractive Guest Post That Gets Accepted

Choose The Perfect Site To Write

You must consider a lot of things while writing a gas pose, and that includes the size of your post, the audience you are trying to target, the tone of your writing, and your content, most importantly.

If you choose the right side, which has the customers you are trying to target, then it’s a win-win situation. Just make sure that you are writing for the sites that relate to what you’re doing.

Follow The Sites Guidelines

Try searching for the guidelines before you write your guest post. Following the guideline can be great because you will be near the site’s requirements this way.

Be Ready To Make Changes

If you decide to ride for a big side, you must know that this site has editors who will comment on your post about any changes or criticize something that needs to be changed.

However, if you do not make the changes as soon as possible and act rude, it will be harder for you to get published next time. However, If you fail to understand what these editors are criticizing, you can ask for clarifications to better cooperate with them.

Once you have learned how you can make your guest post published on any famous site, you can proceed to learn more about the best Guest Post Marketplace.

Best Guest Post MarketPlace

Traffic Generation Cafe

One of the most important aspects we must consider when picking up a guest post marketplaces is, does it accept guest post? Well, we have mentioned a few marketing sites that can accept your guest post.

Copy Bloggers

Copy bloggers only have very high-quality content on their site, making it quite tricky for any unsolicited post to get published. It has also been seen that they are focusing more on their in-house writers for a long time.


It is one of the news sites, so before approaching them, you must keep that in mind that your guest post is related to news content.

Duct Tape Marketing

They are accepting your guest post because they at least accept one guest post in a week. However, this makes a tough competition for your post to get selected.

Moreover, they also have a topic calendar through which they decide topics for each day of the month in advance. So before you suggest your topic, you must ask them about their topical calendar to work accordingly.

Writing Sites

Write To Done

Since it is a writing site, it is pretty evident that your writing style and quality must be up to the mark. They only accept guest posts that have the best writing quality. You must ensure that you have checked your grammar correctly because they are very picky while selecting the best guest posts.

Things To Avoid While Making A Guest Post

It is not that hard to submit a guest post; however, it gets tough when it comes to getting your guest post published. It would help if you avoided the mistakes that can ruin your post. We have listed below a few mistakes that you should avoid.

Never Post An Unrelated Content

If you send a guest post about knitting on a site focusing mainly on sports cars and bikes, you need to think again. This can make any owner deny the publishing of your post as it is not even related.

Never Suggest Topics

You can never expect any owner to come up with a topic that is particularly suitable for you. The owner does not have much time to figure out more about you and your knowledge. So you have to deal with the given topic.

If you find it hard to deal with a specific topic, you must brainstorm new ideas and a few points to suggest to the owner if they can work for the topic. You can hint to the owner that you are open to writing anything different. But you cannot suggest them to give you a specific topic.

Never Lie

Nobody likes a liar. You better avoid adding things that you do not do; for example, you cannot call yourself an “avid long time reader” if you do not check the site you are trying to pitch.

This might sound like a little Lie and can be harmless most of the time. But if you get caught, then you’re losing the chance of pitching one site forever.

Summing Up

Finding out the best guest post market place is a task as it gets tough to get your posts published. For that, we have listed a few best guest post Marketplaces that you can pitch for getting your related content published.