Are you looking for the best free blogging sites in 2024? If so, then keep reading.

You may have heard of blogging once in your life. You often see students talking about blogging or businessman hiring a good blogger.

What Is Blogging?

Blogging is, or blogs are the sort of some website that emphasizes mainly on written content. The writers writing style is a bit creative and different. They give it the touch of poetic style writing.

Blogging is more like a common language. The bloggers try to use easy and understandable vocabulary words in their sentences to provide a flow to their writing. It connects with the reader’s mind and attention.

Most of the websites have a comments section where the reader can give his opinion or critics to the blogger. It makes communication possible for future betterment.

This sharing of thoughts and communication is a better step for the starters. You write your blog and connect with the readers who have a similar mindset?

It gives you cordial relations with your readers and builds up trust with each other. When you know you have earned the trust and loyalty of the readers, it can provide you further motivation and tasks to do.

For the starters of blogging, not everyone has enough resources to start it with paid websites. Most people start writing to earn a handsome amount while staying at home. Why would there be a chance of investment first?

There are free blogging sites for those people where you can polish your blogging skill without spending a single penny. Here, we will provide you some of the best free blogging sites:

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1. Self-Hosted WordPress:

Self Hosted WordPress

Most of the bloggers recommend this site to beginners. It gives a large number of options and customizations to the users. This is powering 34%-almost more than one-third of the websites of the global internet.

It serves every level of blogging, and there is help and guidance available no matter how good you write and how much experience you have of blogging. It is a free website to entertain yourself, but you can also attain the available benefits at a very cheap and reasonable price.

For that, they have launched their Bluehost. It requires a small amount of less than $3 and gives you access to build your name of the website’s domain and 500GB for your website’s data and 10MB email storage.

Try to get the Bluehost, which has an alternative. They are also granting the 30-day money return policy. It is similar to the free trial.

If the website does not satisfy you or decide not to opt for the blogging, you can email them to refund your payment.

2. Wix:


This website is ideal for those at the initial level of their writing and does not want to deal with the website name, domain, securities, and other complications of hosting it. They are also affording to give the new ones a 500MB bandwidth and storage and customer support for free.

The basic use of the website is all about drag-and-drop. You click on the menu on the left side and drag it to the center of the screen. You can edit all your texts, images, videos, or apps by moving them all over your screen.

The benefits are the ease in its use and multiple features coming in free. However, some of the defects you can counter are:

  • Advertisement for brands.
  • Limitation to the blogging functions.
  • Almost no monetization.
  • You can get out if you have entered in the start.
  • No change in templates.

3. Blogger:


Google is providing bloggers a chance to build up the writing skill. Although it is not as much well accomplished as WordPress, beginners can get access at very favorable terms.

It also gives the integration of the site to other google sites and apps. This gives you 15GB extra storage if you plan to store all your files or texts on Google Drive.

It saves you from the biggest problem of spam comments. It filters them and keeps your blog reputation clean for the readers.

As a reader, there are many functions and abilities and give you stats and ratings about the writers. It is an excellent website for starters if you are not looking up to and comparing it with WordPress.

4. Weebly:


Now Weebly is more for the ones who are interested in writing blogs about advertisements. Its drag-and-drop editor gives you simplicity of use and gives you the idea of blog-building.

This does not show you the analytics, but you can use the pasting of the tracking code of Google Analytics.

It has the same user interface as the Wix website, but it has one more function up to its sleeve. This gives you the Secret Draft option where you can write and save your unpublished blog due to any case of rechecking.

It has all the good and helpful features for the rookies for free, but the only major drawback is its availability of 500MB storage only.

5. Ghost:

Ghost Free Blogging Sites

Last but not least, this website is also well-known for free service to bloggers. Talking about WordPress, it was started only for blogging, but it has become an ultimate platform for E-Commerce besides blogging.

On the other hand, this website is solely designed and working only for blogging.

This website provides you a guide before entering into blogging on this site. You can search for to get all types of help from there. It also has the pros and cons like

  • Simplicity in use.
  • There is a chance of growth.

But the consequences that you may face are:

  • Although free, it costs you for your domain name and hosting.
  • Do not provide you with many hosting plans. You must keep on looking for it somewhere else too.


There are many more free blogging sites that provide you much functionality without any cost. It is solely up to you what kind of website suits you and what you want to pursue.

We can only provide the information, the style of use, pros, and cons. Merely learning and want no profit? Use Wix. Want to use something with built-in community options?

Get Tumblr. But the only website that can satisfy you and have the most comprehensive prospect and influences and dominates other free websites is WordPress.