In this article, I am going to talk about the history of cloud computing. So keep reading.

If you will look around yourself then you will find out that you have been surrounded by technological solutions. Well, there is no denial in the fact that there used to be a time when technology was not only costly but complicated as well but in the modern era, technology has become both cheap and easy to understand.

This is one of the main reasons why a wide array of technological solutions have become a new normal for most of the people and firms out there without any second thoughts. And one such technological solution that is being used by everyone out there is cloud computing.

In today’s era, cloud computing is involved in our everyday life. From Google Drive to Facebook, everything is used on the cloud platform. Cloud technology has not only made everything quick, easy, and highly accessible but it has also brought a revolution in the way of working for almost every business.

Now, most of the firms don’t rely on their office desktop storage because it can push them far behind in the race of competition and technological adoption.

But do you know when this revolutionary technology was introduced? How did it go through different modifications and transformations? And how it changed from alien technology to a new normal for businesses?

Cloud computing took several years and a lot of transformations to finally turn into the form in which we know it today. Several people and companies shaped cloud computing to perfection and made it possible to be available and used by companies and individuals all over the world.

So let’s look at the evolution and transformation of cloud computing through this article.

The History Of Cloud Computing

You might be thinking that cloud computing is a very new concept but you will be surprised to know that cloud computing is very old and is being used for a very long period of time.

The first roots of cloud computing technology can be found in the 1950s when a central computer was used for multiple access through dumb terminals. The main function of these dumb terminals was to provide access to the mainframe.

But at that time, the cost of the mainframe computer was very high and that’s why, for most of the organizations, it was an economically unfeasible solution and even the large storage capacity provided by the mainframe computer was not required by a normal user.

Cloud Computing Is Used As A Public Utility

When John McCarthy quoted in 1960 that ‘computing may someday be organized as public utility’, no one knew that cloud computing will actually become a part of everyone’s life. His early innovation of the time-sharing model of computing or networking gave birth to cloud computing (the delivery of computing as a service, rather than a product).

His model of time-sharing allowed users to share data by connecting to a central computer, which minimized the cost of using computers.

Virtual Cloud Technology

In 1970, IBM came out with a path-breaking operating system which was known as VM. This allowed simultaneous operation of more than one operating system in an isolated environment. Through VM, computers (virtual) could be operated inside one physical hardware which in turn can run a completely different operating system.

This innovation utilized the shared access mainframe of the 1950s to another different level, allowing various computing environments to be located in one single environment.

The Entry Of Telecommunication Companies

Before offering VPN connections, Telecommunications companies offered single dedicated point-to-point data connections. But with Virtualized Private Network, telecom companies were able to provide the same service at a lower cost because now instead of building physical infrastructure for owning connections to different users, now they were providing shared access with the same physical infrastructure.

In the same era, the giant technological concept- the internet, expanded all over the world. This expansion gave birth to Grid(solving large problems with parallel computing) which can be considered as a synonym of cloud computing but with a disadvantage, which was, if a single part of a software node fails to process, then other software nodes will also fail. That’s why the concept of Grid didn’t turn out to be fruitful.

In the same era, created a major milestone for cloud computing by introducing the delivery of enterprise applications via sample websites. This service allowed both mainstream and specialist software firms to bring up their applications over the internet.

Amazon The Player Of Cloud

The next development in the field of cloud computing was made by Amazon Web Services in 2002 by introducing a pack of cloud-based services which included computation, storage, human intelligence through Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Cloud Evolution

Later in the year 2006, Amazon set another milestone in the journey of cloud computing by introducing Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2), which allowed small firms and individuals to rent computers on which they can run their applications.

In the same year, Google came up with Google Docs with directly delivered the cloud services to the end-users.

Integration Of Cloud Computing

In the year 2009, Web 2.0 engraved its name on another milestone of cloud computing. Google and others started offering browser-based applications via Google and other apps.

You should know that cloud computing has covered a long journey in order to become what is known in the modern era. There have been many changes introduced to the world of cloud computing and this is why in the modern era, cloud computing has almost become the base of all the technologies that are coming out.

There will be a time when even cloud computing will become outdated as new models are being introduced and they will surely surpass cloud computing but you should know that will happen almost after one or two decades and till then, cloud computing will keep ruling the world.

One of the best things about cloud computing is it offers a wide array of benefits at a very small price and this is what makes cloud computing ideal for even small and medium-sized businesses.

You should know that when you will start using the power of cloud computing solutions like QuickBooks hosting then you will be able to get benefits like anywhere, anytime access, multi-user collaboration, high uptime, better security, scalability, flexibility, round the clock customer support, cost-saving, automatic backup and much more.

All these things make cloud computing suitable for the modern-day environment and since many of the cloud computing solutions are completely free like Google Drive, people are eager to use them.

So, keep using the power of the cloud in solutions and make your business thrive in the modern era without any hassle and without burning a hole in your pocket.

From an economically unfeasible solution to the need of every business, Cloud computing has covered a long road of evolution in which it went to various transformations and modifications by people and companies.

Now even imagining the world without cloud computing looks impossible it has now got woven into our day-to-day life. Yes, cloud computing solutions like QuickBooks desktop hosting have become our necessity.

So that’s all from this article on the history of cloud computing. Also, if you like this article on the history of cloud computing then please share it with your friends and social media followers.